Diese Seite verwendet Tracking-Technologien von Dritten. Durch Zustimmung akzeptierst Du die Datenschutzbestimmungen. Dort kannst Du zudem deine Einwilligung nachträglich widerrufen.
It has come to our attention that several people have authored utilities that facilitate the hosting of COOP public servers. These utilities edit our code in a way that triggers one of our anti-trainer measures. The area of code affected is unfortunately also altered by several trainers and therefore cannot be disabled. Novalogic makes no guarantees regarding the use of this software, but to the extent that these changes are made only to facilitate COOP hosting, they are harmless. Unfortunately, if you join a NovaWorld Stat game using an executable that has been modified in this manner, it will trigger our anti-trainer measures resulting in a suspension.
If you decide to use a program for this purpose, please take the following measures in order to safeguard your account:
1) After hosting with this software, completely exit the 3rd party software.
2) Completely quit out of all instances of BHD and/or TS all the way to the desktop.
3) Start a fresh instance of BHD and/or TS before joining a NovaWorld server.
To our knowledge, use of the following software will trigger this effect:
Conda's "Black Hawk Down Server Manager" and "Anaconda Server Manager" prior to version 2.1.1.
As of version 2.1.1 Conda has worked with us to make adjustments in order to avoid this issue.
Othello's COOPMeNowV1505
This software "patches" the game executable and is irreversible. NEVER join a NovaWorld Stat game with an executable that has been modified by this software.
Other software may exist and the same precautions should be taken. Novalogic will not be responsible for accounts/characters lost due to this type of activity.