
nach langem warten kam mal wieder was zu der beta..
vielleicht haben ja andere auch ne mail von nova bekommen! falls nicht, könnt ihr hier mal lesen was drin stand!
Our records indicate that you signed up to take part in the technical beta test for Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising last year. We are pleased to tell you that this technical beta test is coming very soon and we want to confirm that you still want to be considered to take part.
If you still want to be considered for the technical beta test please click on the 'Heck yeah, I'm still in!' link below.
If you no longer want to be considered for this technical beta test please click on the 'Nah, not interested anymore.' link.
If you do want to take part and you are successful in getting a place on our tester panel, you will be notified by email shortly with instructions.
If you do not respond by Friday, February 27th 2004, at midday PST, you will automatically be removed from our beta tester list.
Kind regards,
The NovaLogic Marketing Team
Heck yeah, I'm still in! Nah, not interested anymore.
auf das die beta noch vor der demo kommt, oder wird die beta die demo sein ???!!??!?!?!?! |
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Zu finden bei uns unter Downloads->Expansion Packs und Mods
Download it, unzip and insert the PFF (DF_4BHD.PFF) into the 'mod' folder that's in your BHD DEFAULT FOLDER. If you don't have a folder in there called 'mod', then create one. All MODS are suppose to be installed in this SUB folder called 'mod'.
Once you have done that, you will need to create a COPY of your BHD SHORTCUT on your desktop, name it DF2MOD, or what ever you want. Then go into the 'properties' of that copy shortcut and locate the 'TARGET'....at the end of the 'TARGET' addy, [....Delta Force Black Hawk Downdfbhd.exe"] after the "...add a SPACE then add /MOD df2_4bhd.
The end of the TARGET should look like this[...Delta Force Black Hawk Downdfbhd.exe" /MOD df2_4bhd]
Start your game using that shortcut and JOIN the "FTW DF2 MOD" server.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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Joint Operations demo will be available about five weeks after the first of March. This is what Marcus Beer of Novalogic Inc. told Kinnes of DFMAX.
Anfang April (5 wochen nach dem 1.märz) soll die demo kommen..
na warten wirs erstmal ab  |
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NovaWorld has annouced several changes to Nova servers. The first change is to the server called SpecOps 1-6. Friendly fire is now switched to on, tracers are off, fatbullets are off, team claymores are off, auto range is off, and players must be level 15 or higher to play. This should make the game more interesting. I have personally played in the attack and depend server and it is very difficult to play but fun.
The next server change is Nightstalkers. The tracers have been turned off. This will help us snipers in the map.
The next server to change is Aidid 4. Nova over the weekend tested a new style of flag ball server. They have put a limit on the number of flags which is 5. I am stilling looking to see what they will finally decide to do. Most people that have replied in the Novaworld forum say the limit if there is one should be higher like around 15 to 20
The last set of servers to change are in Team Sabre and are called Sabre's Edge. Nova has turned off the tracers. |
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Für unsere Awardvergabe haben wir für Euch neue Awards erstellt! Wir hoffen sie finden gefallen bei Euch?!
Hier die Auswahl unserer Awards!

Ihr möchtet gern diesen, oder einen anderen Award für Eure Homepage erhalten?
Kein Problem, geht auf Awards und füllt das Awardformular aus! |
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Die Leute von FREAKYGAMES haben wieder ein kleines Filmchen gemacht (Team Sabre)!
Es geht um einen Helden der auf der Suche nach einem Gefangenen ist und zum Schluß dann....
Naja schaut es euch halt mal an 
zu finden ->Hier<- oder unter Downloads-In-Game Footage und Videos |
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Consumers to lease SCI official game servers for Delta Force® titles.
Calabasas, CA — 2/6/2004 – Entertainment software developer and publisher NovaLogic, Inc. announced today that as part of its ongoing commitment to providing consumers with the best possible multiplayer experience, it has partnered with Super Computer International, INC (SCI) to enable players to lease official Delta Force – Black Hawk Down® and Team Sabre™ game servers.
All servers are run on high-performance clustered supercomputers using cutting edge server control and management technology running in multi homed environments. The server rental service will be available towards the end of February 2004.
Delta Force – Black Hawk Down, and the expansion pack Team Sabre are both available on PC CD - ROM at all major computer gaming stores now.
About Super Computer, Inc.
Super Computer International, Inc. (SCI) delivers the most advanced technologies and the best range of enterprise class services available to the online gaming industry today. With the Jupiter Clusters, Avalanche Clusters (AMD Opteron processor-based), Andromeda Middleware Suite and Private Label Game Portals (PLP), SCI has raised the bar for the entire online gaming market. Super Computer International, Inc. (SCI) is the world’s fastest growing game hosting solution. With the invention of the world's first supercomputer for FPS game hosting, the Jupiter Cluster, and the Callisto mini-cluster for Broadband Providers, SCI is working with the gaming industry to consolidate the game hosting market. SCI was founded in 2002 and is privately held. For more information please visit http://www.supercomputerinc.com or call Jay Majumdar, VP of Sales-770-344-1100. |
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BHD: EA-Pakete: BHD, Generäle, MoH: AA
03.02.2004 16:43 Uhr - Electronic Arts veröffentlicht in den Monaten Februar und März gleich drei Spiele-Pakete, in denen Hauptprogramm und Add-ons zusammengefasst sind:
Am 27. Februar erscheint das Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Gold Pack; darin enthalten: Delta Force: Black Hawk Down und das Add-on Team Sabre. Das Black Hawk Down-Paket ist ab 16 Jahren freigegeben.
Die C&C Generäle Deluxe Edition kommt am 19. März in den Handel und enthält C&C Generäle (dt.) sowie das Add-on Die Stunde Null.
Ebenfalls ab dem 19. März ist die deutsche Version des Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chests erhältlich - die Sammlung umfasst Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (dt.) sowie die Add-ons Spearhead und Breakthrough. |
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Electronic Arts hat einen neuen genauen Erscheinungstermin für Joint Operations bekannt gegeben.
Der Taktik-Shooter kommt demnach in Deutschland am 18. Juni 2004 in den Handel.
Electronic Arts |
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Spieler können ihre eigenen Mods mit dem Black Hawk Engine erstellen!
Das Tool ist einfach zu nutzen und enthält Anleitungen und Beispiele.
Calabasas, CA — 2/3/2004 – Entertainment software developer und publisher NovaLogic, Inc. berichten heute, dass das Bearbeitungsprogramm für Delta Force® - Black Hawk Down® erschienen ist und zum Download bereit steht: http://www.novalogic.com/downloads.asp?GameKey=DFBHD.
Den Download gibt es auch unter Downloads - Tools, oder gleich ->HIER<-
der download enthält die folgenden tools [eng]:
Text Tool - Allows the user to change the text in the game. This includes objectives and any other text that displays in game.
Object Editor - Allows the user to take 3DMax files and convert them into assets that can be used by the Black Hawk engine.
Terrain Generator - Allows the user to make new terrains for the Black Hawk engine.
.def files - Allows the user to place their own objects in the game and set their properties.
Pack.exe - Allows users to pack their assets into a mod .pff. This will allow them to run a map featuring their own assets.
Sample files and Tutorials are also included in the download to help the user.
In addition to the tools, a new update for DF – BHD has been released that addresses a number of known issues within the game, as well as combating several cheater problems. This update brings the game to version and covers all builds of the game. A full breakdown of the update is available at www.novalogic.com Delta Force – Black Hawk Down, and the expansion pack Team Sabre™ are both available to buy for PC CD - ROM at all major computer gaming stores now. |
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Unter Downloads - In-Game Footage und Videos, gibt es jetzt ein paar "ältere" Videos von Joint Operation! |
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Ein neues Joint Operations: Thypoon Rising Video steht zur Verfügung!
In dem Video werden Spielszenen und ein Interview mit Joel Taubel,dem producer von Joint Operations gezeigt!
Das Video ist 4:26 min lang und zeigt einige neue Informationen, Waffen und Fahrzeuge!
7 infantry models:
- Engineer
- Medic
- Gunner
- Sniper
- Special Ops
- die anderen 2 sind nicht im Video zu sehen
zum Download
oder unter Downloads - In-Game Footage |
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Im Team Sabre Mission Editor (MED)werden einige Objekte nicht richtig angezeigt oder fehlen!
Unter Download - Tools könnt ihr euch das "PCX pack" runterladen, das euch vielleicht weiter helfen kann! |
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Some answers to some questions you have been posting:
One of the most repeated questions on this forum is: 'Where is the Joint Ops Demo? Give it to us now you mean people!' ( or something along those lines)
The Joint Ops demo will be released approx 6 - 8 weeks before the product ships. The reason for this is that we need to make sure the game is ready. Joint Ops not ready = Demo not ready.
Another repeated question is: 'Can we have new screens and viedos of Joint Ops?'
New screens and videos will be released in due time. The game does not hit for 4 or 5 months, so we want to make sure that when new screens etc are released, they look good and are indicative of what the final game will look like.
The third most repeated question is: 'Can we have a weapon/vehicle/map list?'
Again, all this info will become available when the time is right. We want to be able to get gamers excited about Joint Ops, and to do that we must release info in a timely manner. Also certain things are still being locked down, and we would not want to promise X vehicle and Y weapon and then ship the game without them!
Hope that has clarified a few things. More and more info on Joint Ops will be hitting in the build up to the launch. I am sure you will not be dissapointed with whats in store!
Marcus |
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Well it seems that IGN did not like Team Sabre. Some of the points are valid I have to say but ????
IGN wrote:
Actually, the game is only semi-open-ended. If you stray too far from the path of your objective, HQ will ask you what's up and request you go back. You have about 5-10 seconds to get back on track. If you do not, the mission automatically ends. There were many times when I wanted to get up on a ridge to scan the area with my scope, as I figure most elite soldiers would want to do when walking through a canyon that's probably dotted with hostiles. But time and again, I found myself having to run back in order to prevent the "Mission Failed" screen from appearing.
I have to agree with this but it is nothing new. I commented way back when BHD came out that I did not like this. Okay in real life its a team effort but I enjoyed being a bit of a renigade in previous versions of DF. You would go up high or whatever and take out a lot of the AI before proceeding back to your mission. I reckon Nova implemented this strategy so that they could control the action more so that the AI looks as though it was doing a better job. I hope they ditch this for JO.
IGN wrote:
One of the primary faults of Black Hawk Down was the lackluster enemy and teammate AI. They didn't take much evasive action, didn't aim very well, and didn't attack with a sufficient degree of self-preservation. However, these problems were mitigated by the immediacy of the enemy—meaning, the AI didn't have enough opportunity to show its flaws.
This criticism always annoys me. The punk that played the game probably went through the missions in easy mode ( yes you can alter it ). Its quite hard to complete some missions which is what AI are supposed to do. AI in 2004 are by no means perfected and I do not think Nova's products are any worse than any other FPS I have played. Many games include BF1942 have far worse AI than Nova so it puzzles me why the gaming press always pick on Nova,s AI.
IGN wrote:
Another problem with adapting the BHD style to an open-ended universe was the length and depth of my sight lines when coupled with a complete lack of scope drift. Armed with a PSG1, a semi-auto sniper rifle with a massive scope and about 200 rounds of ammo, I was virtually unstoppable.
So what ???? DF is for fun and it gives this out in buckets. Realism is for nerds and geeks who have no lives. DF is for people who probably enjoy life and like a laugh. Leave realism to others. Operation Flashpoint was realistic but it was " utter pants " to play. Ive had more fun playing with Domino,s than so called Realistic FPS games.
IGN wrote:
Another problem that makes previous irritants genuinely frustrating is all the quality military games that have come out in the past year, from Call of Duty to BF1942: Secret Weapons of WWII and Commandoes III, we've seen how entertaining challenging AI can be,
Is this reviewer real ???? Well Mr McNamara the only way I can get any fun out of BF1942 and its " challenging AI " is by ramping up the teams to 400 per side. BF1942 has one of the lamest AI's I have ever seen. I completed all the SP maps in one afternoon. Where is the entertainment in that ???
IGN wrote:
There were a few times when I had to travel on foot because the vehicle (which is on rails) would proceed to go suicidally through a shooting gallery. The vehicle itself would never explode,
Yeah Yeah we know all about this. Thats why we are all looking forward to Joint Operations. Its old news bud.
IGN wrote:
As with Black Hawk Down, multiplayer is the saving grace. Although longer sight lines give you a huge advantage against AI that varies from underwhelming to retarded, the openness of the terrain tends to balance things out when you're facing real people.
At last the man has some common sense. This is what BHD & TS is all about. They are probably the most fluid MP FPS games there are to play on line.
IGN wrote:
Basically what you're getting here is some fun, diverting online and LAN multiplayer for $19.99 (for the expansion pack alone, not the full package including Black Hawk Down). The lack of controllable vehicles is a downside, but you also get dozens of maps that can be tons o' fun with enough people. The longer sight lines make for more challenging gameplay, and the large servers allow a dynamic that makes every round a different experience. The single player game, however...it needs work.
For $19.99 Team Sabre is a bargain. You could not even take a family of four for a meal to McDonald's nowadays whearas Team Sabre will provide months of entertainment until it dies a death when Joint Operations is released. As for " The single player game, however...it needs work. " Well please show me a game that does not because the " perfect " AI at this moment in time does not exist.
You can read the whole review [ HERE ]. |
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As posted at the NovaWorld forums:
NW Moderator wrote:
"We are planning on updating the med and fixing a number of bugs that have been reported by users.
Currently I am aware of:
- funny stuff happening with area-triggers and such as reported by Mr.-POW- : here
- no Play Part Animation under Change AI: here
- listings in the items list which actually don't exist in the game. for example: here
- Missing AI text files as reported by Mr.-POW- : here
- Missing thumbnails for items in med as reported: here
Please report other known med bugs here.
Note this is for MED bugs. That is problems associated with the MED itself. TY.
Some critical Items that need updating as well:
- pavelow where you can glitch out the top of it when the door is closed.
- drug lord villa building missing collision
- pavelow rotor problem as reported by DV-
- no sound with helicopter as reported here (is this still an issue?)" |
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