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Krisen Kommando Kräfte  
geschrieben am 2004-03-13 17:39:42 von Whiteknight KKK
Das Layout "Navi" wurde fertiggestellt. Ich hoffe es findet gefallen Ihr könnt es auf der Startseite unter "Auswahl Layout" wählen und begutachten
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Krisen Kommando Kräfte  
geschrieben am 2004-03-13 13:25:56 von Whiteknight KKK
Na wie schon vermutet hat das kleine grüne Männchen mit dem Laserschwert doch heimweh bekommen und ist wieder bei Gats eingestiegen. Verständlich, er war schließlich 2,5 Jahre dort im Clan. Wir hören uns Yoda, alles Gute!
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geschrieben am 2004-03-12 08:05:54 von Beelze KKK
Novalogic are still intending to go live with Joint Operations in May. This is what the Novalogic Marketing department had to say on the subject at Novaworld.

" Right now the official release date is 18th May in the US. Europe are going to try and release simultaneously, but not all territories will be able to because of the time it takes to localize the game. If this date changes an announcement will be made. "
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geschrieben am 2004-03-12 08:01:59 von Beelze KKK
Laut (NovaLogic) Marketing wird die offizielle Demo anfangs April kommen!

aus dem nova-forum

I heard a rumor that you were looking for 2000 more beta testers? is that erroneous?

(NovaLogic) Marketing
No that rumor isn't true I'm afraid. Not right now anyway. We had thousands of people sign up last year.

The official consumer demo will be released early April so you don't have long to wait
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Krisen Kommando Kräfte  
geschrieben am 2004-03-11 21:51:11 von Whiteknight KKK
Wir haben mal wieder einige neue Anwärter

- Geextah
- bwarez
- LeoDasCabrio
- Shifty
- Yoda (Ex Gats)
- Prophet (früher bei KKK)

- TFM (Ex Gats)
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Krisen Kommando Kräfte  
geschrieben am 2004-03-11 16:56:33 von Whiteknight KKK
Wir planen mal wieder ein weiteres Clantreffen. Diesmal zieht es uns nach Münster auf einen Campingplatz. Vielleicht hat ja noch der ein oder andere Lust dran teilzunehmen?
Vielleicht wird uns sogar dort GATS bei der Alkoholvernichtung unterstützen.
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geschrieben am 2004-03-08 23:07:52 von Beelze KKK
Nova-Inside, and also other resource sites, recieved an mail from Marcus Beer, PR NovaLogic.

"Hi there,

As you know, the Joint Ops beta went live on Friday. At the moment the beta is only live in the US, as we are using it to stress test local servers. We will be testing Euro servers shortly, so the beta will then be made available to European consumers.

I would like to ask that when monitoring your sites, please could you remove any screens or videos from the beta, along with any beta related discussions. The purpose of the beta is to fine tune aspects of Joint Ops, so we have provided a beta forum on NovaWorld.com for people to post there. People posting their thoughts on an unfinished beta outside the NW forum causes two issues: 1/ Our dev team cannot monitor every site so any valid reports may get missed. 2/ People who have access to the beta are offering opinions on unfinished code to people who cannot access the beta. This means people may get a negative idea about JO.

All of the above is a violation of the NDA each beta tester agreed to, and we will be banning testers who violate their NDA.

Thanks again.

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geschrieben am 2004-03-08 15:46:11 von Beelze KKK
es gibt wieder einmal ein paar neue screens von der beta!

hier welche aus dem menü


Hier aus dem Spiel

screen 1
screen 2
screen 3
screen 4
screen 5
screen 6
screen 7
screen 8
screen 9
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Dringliche Information  
geschrieben am 2004-03-07 13:44:29 von Whiteknight KKK
Kaspersky Labs warnt vor einem neuen Wurm, der sich zur Verbreitung den beliebten Messenger ICQ zunutze macht. Der Antiviren-Spezialist schätzt, dass bereits 50.000 Rechner mit "Bizex" infiziert sind.

Anwender erhalten per ICQ eine Nachricht, die sie auffordert, eine bestimmte Website zu besuchen.

Klickt der Anwender auf den Link, gelangt er laut Kaspersky auf eine gefälschte "Joe Cartoon"-Site, im Original ein populärer US-Comic-Zeichner. Zur gleichen Zeit greift die Malware den Rechner an zwei Fronten an: Zum einen über eine Lücke im Internet Explorer und zum anderen über ein Leck in Windows. In der Folge wird eine spezielle Datei auf den Rechner des Opfers geladen, die wiederum den eigentlichen Wurm per Internet herunter lädt. Dieser Vorgang läuft vollkommen automatisch ab, der Anwender merkt davon nichts.

Sobald Bizex aktiv ist, versucht der Wurm, Zugriff auf die lokal gespeicherten Informationen von ICQ zu erlangen und verschickt seine Nachricht unter dem Namen des Opfers an Kontakte in seiner ICQ-Liste. Alternative Messenger wie Miranda oder Trillian sind von dem Wurm nicht betroffen.

Des weiteren hat der Wurm diverse Funktionen mit an Bord, die geheime Informationen des Anwenders ausspionieren sollen. Im speziellen sind dies Infos über Online-Banking und andere Internet-Zahlungssysteme, wie zum Beispiel American Express UK, Wells Fargo, Credit Lyonnaise und weitere.

Daneben fängt der Wurm laut Kaspersky Informationen ab, die per HTTPS gesendet werden, was unter anderem beim Zahlungsverkehr per Internet zum Einsatz kommt, und protokolliert Details über den Mail-Verkehr mit Alle gesammelten Daten werden an einen anonymen Server und somit vermutlich an den Autor der Malware versendet.

Quelle: http://www.pcwelt.de/news/viren_bugs/37989/
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Krisen Kommando Kräfte  
geschrieben am 2004-03-07 13:44:00 von Whiteknight KKK
Nach längerer inaktiver Zeit hat Dingens KKK verkündet, dass er kein weiteres Interesse am Clan hat.

Wir wünschen Dir für die Zukunft alles Gute
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geschrieben am 2004-03-06 17:45:34 von Beelze KKK
Joint Operations "Typhoon Rising" Beta test startete am 5 märz, alle ausgesuchten tester haben eine mail erhalten!


Joint Operations "Typhoon Rising" Betá test starts on March 5th, all the selected testers had recieved an mail with NovaLogic's Confidential Non Disclosure Agreement in it
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Krisen Kommando Kräfte  
geschrieben am 2004-03-05 18:02:11 von Beelze KKK
es werden noch namen für die server gesucht, wer also eine idee oder einen vorschlag hat, kann ihn ->HIER<reinschreiben


Hi all!

We are open to suggestions regarding some game server names for Joint Operations! Or even just individual game instance names.

Take a look at all screenshots, articles, information, etc, that have been released for the game to have a quick understanding of what it's all about (much different than the war torn desert towns of Somalia!).

Then post to this thread to suggest some possible game names!

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geschrieben am 2004-03-02 23:47:30 von Beelze KKK
It has come to our attention that several people have authored utilities that facilitate the hosting of COOP public servers. These utilities edit our code in a way that triggers one of our anti-trainer measures. The area of code affected is unfortunately also altered by several trainers and therefore cannot be disabled. Novalogic makes no guarantees regarding the use of this software, but to the extent that these changes are made only to facilitate COOP hosting, they are harmless. Unfortunately, if you join a NovaWorld Stat game using an executable that has been modified in this manner, it will trigger our anti-trainer measures resulting in a suspension.

If you decide to use a program for this purpose, please take the following measures in order to safeguard your account:

1) After hosting with this software, completely exit the 3rd party software.
2) Completely quit out of all instances of BHD and/or TS all the way to the desktop.
3) Start a fresh instance of BHD and/or TS before joining a NovaWorld server.

To our knowledge, use of the following software will trigger this effect:

Conda's "Black Hawk Down Server Manager" and "Anaconda Server Manager" prior to version 2.1.1.
As of version 2.1.1 Conda has worked with us to make adjustments in order to avoid this issue.

Othello's COOPMeNowV1505
This software "patches" the game executable and is irreversible. NEVER join a NovaWorld Stat game with an executable that has been modified by this software.

Other software may exist and the same precautions should be taken. Novalogic will not be responsible for accounts/characters lost due to this type of activity.
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geschrieben am 2004-02-28 03:35:48 von Beelze KKK
der neue pinger für bhd und ts (version ist da!
zu finden bei uns unter downloads->tools!
oder gleich ->HIER<-
es gibt jetzt eine auto update funktion! man braucht dann nicht mehr den alten pinger löschen und den neuen installieren, sondern es wird immer beim programmstart nach neuen updates gesucht und man kann es gleich installieren!

Pinger/IP joiner tool for DFBHD & DFBHD "Team Sabre" v1.5.0.5:

Lists DF:BHD & DF:BHD "Team Sabre" servers.
Integrated browser.
Auto Updater included
Custom filters for players, maxplayers, gametype, dedicated, skins and tracers.
Using ICMP and measuring min/max/average ping/packet loss.
Configurable number of times and number of bytes to ping.
Sequential pinging for higher accuracy.
Nova Pinging for servers behind firewalls.
Ping results for each server is displayed in Green/Yellow/ or Red color, the limits are all configurable.
Trace option for detailed info regarding your route to the server, find out where the problem is. Your ISP ? The Server ?...
Lot's of trace options available, like number of pings pr. hop, decide if names should be resolved etc.
Auto refresh of GameName, GameType, Players, Dedicated and Version.
Working with real IP's, or nova keys.
Unlimited number of server lists.
Unlimited number of servers in a server list.
Will not mess up startup.htm so that stat games are unavailable.
All used web links are configurable.
Join by IP/URL/NovaIP.
Add servers by IP/NovaIP.
Nova-Inside.com latest news.
Change History
-Added auto updater, will automatically check for new updates.
-Fixed bug in search window, displaying time of day instead of players.
-Added better proxy support, socks4, socks4a, socks5, http, with/without authentication.
-Fixed/improved the display of the selected gametype.
-Added custom filters for players, maxplayers, gametype, dedicated, skins and tracers.
-Made a fix for displaying correct country in stat games.
-Fixed display of server/player count, will now display the correct amount depending of the gametype/filter.
-Added restore of maximized state.
-Fixed resizebug when server list height was set to 0.
-Added display of gametype in favourites window.
-Added hide news window if the news server doesnt respond.
-Added an option to configure local UDP port for hello packets.
-Major code cleanup / speed improvements.

From this point on, we stop the support for DFBHD Pinger v.4.0.
Uninstall DFBHD Pinger v.4.0 and install v5.0.
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geschrieben am 2004-02-27 21:01:52 von Beelze KKK
ihr wolltet schon immer mal die ´fahrzeuge in bhd oder ts selber steuern?
dann braucht ihr den driving mod, den es bei uns unter downloads->Expansion Packs und Mods gibt, oder ihr ladet ihr gleich hier

Driving Mod für BHD
Driving Mod für TS
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geschrieben am 2004-02-27 08:53:53 von Beelze KKK
die patch gibt es unter doanload->tools
oder >HIER<

Well, as all of you know by now, any program you run that enables COOP will also enable the chance that you will get banned from Novaworld.

To address this issue, I have release a new patch for Server Manager that everyone must update to immediately. I will no longer support any version prior to 2.1.1.

This patch addresses the following:

* Disabled COOP and KOTH by default to avoid Novaworld banning
* Added an option to enable COOP and KOTH support
* Fixed map list being reloaded each time a game is started

Please update immediately. You just have to replace the EXE file that is contained in the ZIP.

To those who host COOP or KOTH, please read on.

In order to host COOP or KOTH games now, you will have to open the options dialog and select the 'Enable COOP and KOTH gametypes.' If you enable this option, please read the warning message that is displayed very carefully.

If you enble COOP or KOTH gametypes, you must completely shut down Server Manager and all running games before you log into Novaworld, or YOU RISK BEING BANNED!

If you do not enable this option, COOP and KOTH are not enabled and there is no risk of being banned.

From this day forward, if you are banned as a result of using Server Manager, you will not be able to get unbanned.

Thank You.
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